Knowing your conflict style can help you have better arguments
Originally published Mon 5 Aug 2019 at 6:24am, updated Mon 5 Aug 2019 at 6:39am on ABC Everyday by Carol Rääbus
I've been arguing with my partner about our cat and I'm so exasperated I want to explode.
When I try to pinpoint exactly why I'm so worked up, I realise it's not because we disagree about the cat, it's because I don't feel like he's understood my point of view.
Why can't we understand each other?
Conflict is a normal part of life. But why do some of us manage to argue about some of life's biggest issues and still be on good terms at the end of it all, while others can barely discuss whose turn it is to take the rubbish out without it feeling like the world, or at least the relationship, is ending?
It could be your styles are clashing. By styles, we mean how you deal with conflict as well as how you connect with important people in your life.
Understanding your default styles, and the style of those you care about, can help you have better arguments and maybe prevent you spiralling down the rabbit hole of misunderstanding.
What's your attachment style?
Clare Rosoman is a clinical psychologist who works in emotionally focused therapy.
She says we all develop a style of attachment and how we connect with other humans from what we learn from our earliest close relationships — usually our parents.
There are four main attachment styles that are usually referred to, which Gery Karantzas, an associate professor and relationship scientist at Deakin University, says mostly comes downs to how anxious and avoidant we are in our relationships.
Someone with a secure attachment style has learnt that turning to others for support or to share an emotion is a good thing that makes them feel loved, safe and supported.
They will have low levels of anxiety and avoidance around their relationships with others.
Dr Rosoman says someone with a secure attachment can answer yes to these three questions:
A: Are you there for me? R: Will you respond to me?
E: Will you engage with me?
"Secure attachment means that you've learnt from your experience that turning to others is a good idea, it makes you feel better, it helps you regulate your inner world," she says.
A couple with secure attachment styles can have a massive argument over which brand of butter is best and come out at the end still feeling close to each other, and feel their partner is there for them, even if they never agree about butter.
Someone who rates higher on the anxious side often has worries around self-worth and how loved they are, and have a fear of rejection. They can feel they can't rely on people to be there for them all the time.
A person with an anxious attachment style often has a fear their partner isn't really there for them and that it could all end at any moment.
"You might find that if you have an anxious attachment style, you might really chase after your partner and want to resolve a fight right now. And any sign that they're not there makes you feel like you don't matter," Dr Rosoman says.
A person with higher attached anxiety can be destructive in the way they argue — they can be critical and show contempt and hostility to the person they're engaging with, because these are defensive coping mechanisms they've developed, says Dr Karantzas.
Those with a higher avoidant approach have often learnt that turning to someone else is not a good idea, so they tend to try to solve everything on their own.
They often find it hard to trust others and can be closed off and distant.
When arguing they can try to stonewall the other person, walk away, go silent, change the topic or just not engage.
If an avoidant attachment style is paired with an anxious attachment style, things can get messy as these styles can really misunderstand each other.
"The more someone comes after you, the more you push them away," Dr Rosoman says.
Fearful avoidant
The fourth style is one where you don't just prefer to avoid conflict or connection, it actually scares you. "It's usually where someone has learnt that closeness is really dangerous," Dr Rosoman says.
It might be because a primary caregiver was really scary when you were little, or your caregiver might have been scared themselves.
Being scared to connect with others is a difficult position to be in.
"We're built to seek closeness and want it, but at the same time if you've learnt that closeness is dangerous, that you could get hurt, you have this awful push-pull dilemma," Dr Rosoman says.
Knowing your style is half the battle
Dr Karantzas says the four styles are really characteristic of the most extreme ends of anxiety and avoidance spectrums. Most people tend to be on the less extreme ends.
People's attachment style can vary through their life. And you may exhibit different attachment styles with difference people depending on your relationship with them — for example, you might be low in avoidance and anxiety with your partner, but high in anxiety with your parent.
Dr Rosoman says it's important to remember that no-one is "right or wrong" with their attachment style.
"Each partner is doing their best in that moment, and they don't realise it's the worst thing for their partner. Or maybe they do, but they don't know any other way," she says.
And if you've read this and think "oh dear", don't worry. You're not stuck.
"The good news is your attachment style can change. It's always up for revision," Dr Rosoman says.
You can work on being aware of how you relate to others and how that might be unintentionally interpreted by your partner. Therapy can help if you need it.
"If partners can understand and decode the messages, then they can help each other do it differently," Dr Rosoman says.
What's your style when it comes to conflict?
Trish Purnell-Webb, a clinical psychologist with Relationship Institute Australasia, says most people's approach to conflict fit into three main styles.
These are:
Validators — a validator tends to be positive when conflict arises, but often in a deflective kind of way. For example, if Jane tells Sally she wants more help cleaning the house, Sally might respond with "You're so great with how you keep the house clean, you're wonderful with this stuff and I really appreciate the work you do". This makes Jane feel her complaint hasn't been heard and makes her frustrated.
Avoiders — this style is pretty self-explanatory. If Sally was an avoider and Jane brings up her issue with the cleaning, Sally is likely to not say much at all and sit staring at the floor while Jane is talking. This leaves Jane still frustrated because she hasn't been heard.
Volatiles — They're not always explosive or violent, but a volatile person is more likely to dive headfirst into conflict, often loudly. If Sally is a volatile, she's likely to yell back at Jane and say she does do her fair share of the cleaning and if Jane wants changes, why didn't she say so earlier. Volatiles can be overbearing to validators and avoiders, and they even be scary without intending to be.
And there also the issue of being defensive, but that's a whole other article you can go read later.
Ms Purnell-Webb says people with the same conflict style can often argue quite well together. Unless they're a pair of
avoiders who pretend everything is fine until they can't avoid it anymore.
"Even if you're both volatiles, you'll have some pretty volatile arguments, but because you're matched in that style, you understand that style and the arguments don't end up being hurtful or harmful," she says.
"But if you're a volatile who's matched with an avoider, for example, when the volatile starts to become volatile, the avoider shuts down. And the more the avoider shuts down, the more the volatile escalates."
Reflecting on my cat argument, I fit more into the volatile group whereas my partner is leaning towards an avoider style, which leaves me raising me voice and him going quiet and neither of us having a good time.
Cultural clashes can play into your style
Just how volatile a volatile you are, or how avoider-y an avoider you are, can be influenced by your upbringing and cultural background.
If you were a volatile kid in a home where arguments and being loud weren't allowed, you will probably have learnt to be volatile in a quieter way.
"Some cultures are far more comfortable with expressions of anger and expressions of emotion in public as well as in private," Ms Purnell-Webb says.
"It's just a difference in the cultural perspective as to what's acceptable and what's not."
Luke Carrangis is a clinical psychologist in Melbourne who works with couples to help them have better relationships, which means having better arguments.
He says while your cultural background can have a big influence on your conflict style, it doesn't have to control you.
"It doesn't necessarily have to define your style or personality, what culture you come from ... you can choose your own style," he says.
For example, Dr Carrangis says it's largely considered a "normal" part of Australian culture for men not to be very open about their emotions.
"Sure, it's normal in our culture, but that doesn't mean it's a good thing or that it works for you," he says.
Get attuned for better communication
This doesn't mean you can only ever argue with someone who has a similar approach to you. You just need to know some tricks to make it work.
The steps Ms Purnell-Webb uses are called ATTUNE. Here they are: A — Be aware of the other person's feelings.
T — Turn towards them, this means both physically as eye contact is vital to having a good argument (more on that later) and turning your attention to them.
T — Tolerate their expression of emotion (as long as it's not violent or abusive).
U — Try to understand where the emotion is coming from. To check if you are understanding them, try to reflect back to them what they're saying — for example, "So what you're saying is you're upset because you've done the washing up every day this week."
N — Use non-defensive language, such as "You're right, I haven't done the washing up this week."
E — Have empathy for the other person's feelings. Even if you don't agree with why they feel that way, you can
empathise that they feel it. "It must feel frustrating for you when you feel I'm not helping out enough."
Dr Carrangis says there are three steps to having a deeper conversation:
Express your feelings — "Tell your truth," Dr Carrangis says. Try to express just how you feel in words.
Ask open questions — This helps the person you're speaking to express themselves better and helps you understand them more clearly. Questions like "What are your thoughts around that? What's the worst part about that for you?"
Show empathy — Even if you think the person is being ridiculous, you can still validate the way they feel. "I can see why you'd feel that way" or "I can see this makes you quite upset".
Dr Carrangis says these three steps do take practice and you might need help from therapy or a counsellor to be able to truly have open and honest conversations, as many of us find this stuff doesn't come naturally.
So next time I'm arguing about the cat, I'll try to attune to my partner, make sure we're arguing about the same topic and maybe try some empathy, and see if we have a better time of it. I'm sure the cat will approve of less yelling.
This article contains general information only. You should obtain specific, independent professional advice in relation to your particular circumstances and issues.